Der Youtube 2014 Jahresrückblick
Kenne ich zwar nicht viel von aber umso schöner…
Youtube 2014 | Das Kraftfuttermischwerk.
Ich liebe Berlin für seine ehrliche und freie Schnauze. Achtung!!! Ihr zugezogenen Öko Fotzen etc. Haltet euer Scheiss Mail. Verpisst Euch aus Berlin. Fickt euch von Mo-So, 0-24 Uhr in eure Inzucht Fressen. 1-3 BERLINer scheissen auf EUCH!! Danke!!! from Das Kraftfuttermischwerk .
A huge cache of data has leaked from a Panama-based tax firm that shows how some of the world’s politicians and the rich hide their money in offshore tax havens. The video above, from the Guardian, is a quick 1:30 intr Quelle: The Panama Papers
I’ve never specifically asked myself what Yoda and and Darth Vader might look like if reimagined as classical Greek nudes, but I can’t say I’m disappointed that somebody made this non-dream a reality. Artist Travis Durden took this idea to an artistic level, using digital technolo Quelle: Star Wars Characters Reimagined as Ancient Greek Statues…