Die erste Karte von Disneyland aus dem Jahr 1953
Sometime – in 1955 – will present for the people of the world – and to children of all ages – a new experience in entertainment.
Aber die Bilder von Blommers & Schumm machen aus Alltagsgegenständen mit ein wenig schmutziger Fantasie NSFW Bilder. Aber sind ja nur Alltagsgegenstände. It’s Nice That : Blommers & Schumm erotically charge everyday objects for Baron.
Sehr schöne Streetart Kunstwerke von Pejac . While his ideas and motivations are often crystal clear, it is his minimalism and subtractive techniques that make his work truly stand out. His figures are often rendered only in silhouette or fine lines and familiar patterns like bricks or the folds of the human brain are transformed…