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My most popular photo…
Ich habe mich letzte Woche bei EyeEm und tumblr angemeldet um zu checken welcher der Dienste mir am ehsten taugt… EyeEm hat mir jetzt ne Mail geschickt mit meinem beliebtesten Foto: 0 people like this. ha, großartig.

The hand-painted background scenes of the original Star Wars trilogy
Wasn Job das mal gewesen ist. Back in the 70s and 80s, before photorealistic computer graphics became commonplace, elaborate background sets in movies were hand-painted. Sploid’s Jesus Diaz took at look at the background art featured in the ori Quelle: The hand-painted background scenes of the original Star Wars trilogy

Der Mond ist aufgegangen
5.500 Glühbirnen zu einem Mond zusammen gebaut. New Moon is an interactive shadow and light sculpture from artists Caitlind r.c. Brown and Wayne Garrett (previously) that was installed twice in Lexington, Kentucky back in February of last year. Built from 5,500 burnt out incandescent bulbs donated by the community, the sculpture allows viewers to manipulate phases of the…