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Landschaften auf abgeschnittene Äste gemalt!
Geniale Idee und sieht auch irgendwie gestört aus was Alison Moritsugu da malt. When European settlers arrived throughout the 18th and 19th centuries and rapidly expanded their territory across North America, the prevalent belief was that of Manifest Destiny. Specifically, that American settlers were destined to expand throughout the continent by any means necessary regardles…
Wow. ‚Blu’s neustes Mural stellt die Evolution dar
Artist Blu (previously) recently finished work on this staggering mural in Italy depicting a timeline of natural history from the tiniest single-cell creatures at the bottom, through the evolution of dinosaurs and mammals, up to the age of humans. The rainbow-hued evolutionary path eventually crum Quelle: A Dire Evolutionary Timeline by ‘Blu’ on the Streets…