Ähnliche Beiträge
Beindruckende Aufnahmen des Merkur-Transits
About 13 times per century, the planets align in the heavens and the Earth can watch Mercury crossing the face of the Sun. NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory was watching too and captured time lapse videos from several Quelle: Epic time lapse videos of Mercury’s transit of the Sun
Wracks von Schiffen und Unterwasser-Szenen in Wal-Skulpturen
Klingt komisch, ist aber so und sieht auch noch gut aus. Japanese artist Isana Yamada‘ s project Samsara is composed of six translucent whales mounted on thin pedestals that give each of the sculptures an illusion of movement. The whales, illuminated from within, provide a window to strange worlds locked inside their resin-coated bodies: Quelle: Shipwrecks…