Sorting algorithms visualized
Ton an, Video ab. Hier werden 15 Sortieralgorithmen grafisch vorgestellt. Ein bisschen nerdy, ok aber schön visualisiert und mit toller Musik untermalt.
Sorting algorithms visualized.
Kevin Wisbeth, who runs a new YouTube series called A Quick Perspective that compares things like the Space Shuttle and the Megalodon (biggest shark ever) to more familiar objects like buildings and cars. Here’s th Quelle: A quick perspective on how big some things are
Einen entgegenkommenden Pfeil in der Luft mit einem anderen Pfeil zu spalten stellt den ollen Robin Hood schon ganz schön in den Schatten. This Archer Uses Ancient Techniques That Put Legolas and Katniss to Shame – Cheezburger.
Fifteen uncoupled simple pendulums of monotonically increasing lengths dance together to produce visual traveling waves, standing waves, beating, and (seemingly) random motion. The period of one complete cycle of the dance is 60 seconds. The length of the longest pendulum has been adjusted so that it executes 51 oscillations in this 60 second period. The…