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Since 1963, a man named Justo Gallego has dedicated his life to building a cathedral on the outskirts of Madrid almost entirely by himself. Despite the lack of any formal training in construction or architecture, Gallego has continued work on the giant church into his 90s and works on it even to Quelle: A Lone…
Ja denkt denn keiner an die armen Kinder? Nur die Helikoptereltern!
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Es gibt das Bristol-Stool-Chart, das Dir Ursache und Wirkung an Hand deines Stuhls erklärt 😉 Den Perfekten Stuhl hat man, wenn Water (approx 75%) Solid matter (approx 25%) The so-called solid matter can be broken down into: Dead bacteria Indigestible food matter (fiber and cellulose) Cholesterol Other fatty substances Unlock the Secrets of your Poop |…
Unterwasser-Video ohne Spezialeffekte
Ok – das hier sind Profis. Und zwar Filmprofis. Das Video ist ohne Spezialeffekte entstanden und flasht mich gerade doch sehr… There’s No Special Effects in This Cool Underwater Video, Just Nifty Cinemtography – Cheezburger.